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News — Authentic

So what has bodacious wine with a conscience achieved so far?

Posted by Dominic Doherty on

So what has bodacious wine with a conscience achieved so far?
We embarked on our endeavour to bring bodacious bottles of outstanding vino to you with a conscience, not really knowing what the results might look like or how we would achieve them. It’s been a bibulous journey for sure, but what is even more enthralling is the challenge to make sure our main vision stands true. Wine with a conscience.

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Wally's Winopedia

Posted by Dominic Doherty on

Wally's Winopedia

If there's one thing even more bamboozling than a walrus (ce moi) sauntering around the British Isles and generally bothering harbourmasters, then it has to be the plethora of jargon around wine.

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The connoisseur does not drink wine but tastes its secrets

Posted by Dominic Doherty on

The connoisseur does not drink wine but tastes its secrets
Our main philosophy when we created Chilled & Tannin was to stop buying “meh” wines and to set up an authentic wine business with a conscience. After all, the worst case scenario is we end up drinking it all ourselves!

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