website website A goal to be one of the nation's first carbon 'net zero' vintners...

A goal to be one of the nation's first carbon 'net zero' vintners...

Posted by Alex GRIEM on

We're bounding into 2021 with a goal to be one of the nation's first carbon 'net zero' vintners and as sustainably conscience as we can be. 

We believe bodacious wine should always leave a pleasant aftertaste and be as guilt-free as possible.

That's why at Chilled & Tannin we agonise about our impact on the planet almost as much as we obsess about which tasty bottles to add to our range.

But 'The Rhône wasn't built in a day' so we're living and breathing this whole list of action points (which is almost as long as Rhod's infamous to-do list!)

👣 Carbon Footprint

- We are proud to offer ECOCART which means when you checkout on our website you can choose to offset the estimated carbon footprint of growing and vinifying your delicious wines for just a few pence per bottle.

- Chilled & Tannin already offset the CO2 generated when shipping your wines to your doorstep. We use a carbon neutral courier and if you're local we deliver in our zero emissions electric wine chariot (van) or bike.

- We've also swapped Google for Ecosia, a search engine which turns searches and ad revenue into projects planting trees around the World. It's a bit like Alta Vista, with saplings – give it a go next time you search for C&T!

- We've already chucked hundreds of chilli plant kits and 'bee bombs' into our boxes for customers to grow and despite some people accidentally eating their bee bombs (mistaking them for truffles) many are now sprouting and pumping out oxygen!

- We even power our boozy nerve centre with green energy (and that includes plugging in the wine chariot too).

🌍 Great wines with a conscience

- We hand-pick most of our wines from sustainably minded growers and producers, many of which practice organic farming or work to promote biodiversity as well as reducing the amount of water and chemicals they use.

- We also love authentic wines; grapes grown on their rightful terroirs and wines with minimal messing about and manipulation.

- Most of our wines are vegan or vegetarian friendly. Dom hasn't knowingly eaten meat since 1985 and Rhod even cooked his wife and kids a nut roast at New Years 😬

📐 Marginal gains

- When we ship your wines we try to re-use as much packaging as possible like old egg boxes, random cardboard, old copies of FHM and shredded bank statements (if you stick them back together you might even discover Rhod's PIN number!)

- We also keep your bottles secure and snug using biodegradable bubble wrap and eco tape. Safe A.F!

- Dom always puts on an extra jumper before turning up the thermostat at home and Alex hasn't bought any new clothes since the start of lockdown plus he recycles all of his empty bottles (seriously though, he drinks A LOT!)

So there you have it. We don't pretend to be perfect but we're trying to do our bit. Plus every time you choose to order some wine from Chilled & Tannin you can now uncork with a clear conscience (unless it's Tuesday night and you're opening that special bottle you said you were saving for your anniversary!)


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